Back to School: Morning Routines!

Back to School: Morning Routines!
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I think we can all agree, routines are especially important for children. Routines give children an idea of what to expect, which can create a sense of security and stability in their lives. A good morning routine, even for adults, can set the tone and mood for the whole day! 

At Amazing Explorers Academy, we are a close and supportive community that strives to help our families as much as we can! As a Director, I have heard many parents struggle with getting back into the school morning routines or just trying to find what works for the whole family. 

At young ages, the concept of time is not yet fully understood, so the consistent order of how things usually happen is what they rely on. It makes them feel safe and gives them confidence in the world around them. Not only does routine give our children a sense of security, but it also has the potential to establish good habits in their lives, teach them responsibility and many other skills!

Being a mom of my now Kindergartener, the question of what will work best for my family in the morning has been the challenge of the month! Here are some ideas that myself and others have found to be helpful:

  1. Prep the night before- The morning rush does not feel great to anyone but especially to a child who doesn’t understand what being late means yet. Set yourself up for success by prepping as much as possible the night before!
  2. Limit food options- If your child(ren) are anything like mine, too many options are overwhelming to them. Try to limit breakfast to just 2 options if you can. It will give them the sense of decision making while eliminating the pressure of having to choose quickly. This one is something that worked for my son! I recommend it to anyone that has a picky eater/independent kiddo at home. 
  3. Talk about the day your about to have- Ask questions like “what are excited about for today?” and even sharing what your excited to do for the day can create a sense of adventure and curiosity for children. Everyday is a new adventure for them, this is a good reminder of that!
  4. Children’s podcast or music- Quiet mornings are nice for some, it can also make others want to go right back to sleep! Get your children excited for their day by turning on their favorite song or podcast! Yes…Podcast! Who says podcast are only for grownups? There are so many to choose from. It has now become part of my son’s morning routine every day!

Mourning routines Amazing ExplorersAlthough routine is important for young children, try to remember not to be too hard on yourself. Being flexible and modeling behavior that teaches how to deal with minor changes is also important. Just like Amazing Explorers strives to inspire young minds, we hope these ideas have inspired some ideas of your own that will help make your mornings AMAZING! If you have other helpful tips, please share them with us! We would love to hear what works for your family.

Director of AEA Asturia


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