STEAM Learning Boosts Creative Thinking Skills

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It’s never too early to introduce children to creative ways of thinking. The first few years of life is when children’s brains begin forming learning habits and thought patterns they will carry with them throughout their lives.

So the earlier they can be introduced to concepts such as scientific method, art appreciation, and mathematics, the more comfortable they will be as these concepts become more involved and complicated as their education progresses.

STEAM and Early Childhood Education

STEAM learning — which is built on a foundation of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics — is the basis for all of the early childhood education curriculum offered at The Amazing Explorers Academy. Even the youngest pre-school and kindergarten aged children are introduced to these concepts in a way they can both appreciate and understand.

Students also learn the language and social skills that will help them succeed throughout their schooling and into their adult lives and careers. And it’s all done in a positive environment that is nurturing and caring so that they feel valued and appreciated.

Best of Both Worlds

While the curriculum at The Amazing Explorers Academy can be more advanced than those found at public or even other private schools, everything is presented in a way that is both fun and exciting. Students are encouraged to use their creative thinking skills to develop clever, innovative solutions to the everyday problems they face.

Many of our graduates have gone on to have not only remarkable academic achievements, but also impressive careers in the arts, sciences, medicine, law, and other fields. And it all begins with encouraging children at a very young age to engage with the STEAM learning basics.

To find out more about how your child can benefit from the innovative, effective STEAM-based learning offered at The Amazing Explorers Academy, call today to schedule your personal visit to one of our schools. We’re looking forward to meeting you and your child!

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